High Quality Rubber Ceramic Lining for Pulleys
Why Choose Us:
1. Rubber ceramic lining manufacturer.
2. Proven quality
3. ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 certified factory.
More information, just contact Ms Leila Wu

About Rubber Ceramic Lining for Conveyor Pulleys.
1. 20x20x6mm or 20x20x8mm ceramic tiles to delivery good wear resistance.
2. Round dimple or diamond dimples to offer better belt grip.
3. Improve belt tracking.
3. Longer service life, 5 to 7 times longer than rubber lagging.
CN layer backed rubber ceramic lining for conveyor pulleys, fast bonding, higher final bonding strength.
Cn layer backed ceramic lining for conveyor pulleys
Pulley ceramic lining service, on mine site or at pulley factory.
We also produce diamond rubber lining and plain rubber lining for conveyor pulleys.
Plain rubber lining for conveyor pulleys.
Diamond rubber pulley lagging for conveyor pulleys
Type of conveyor pulley lagging
1. Pulley ceramic lagging
2. Pulley diamond rubber lagging
3. Plain rubber pulley lagging
4. Pulley polyurethane lagging
5. Replaceable pulley lagging, also called weld-on pulley lagging
6. Bolt-on rubber lagging
Conveyor Pulley Polyurethane Lagging
About Us
Employee: 99
Floor area: 22,400 m2
Building area: 33,330 m2
√SGS audited supplier
√ISO9001 certified factory
√ISO14001 certified factory
√ISO45001 certified factory
√Safety Certificate of Approval for Mining Products

More information, just contact Ms Leila Wu